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Laura "Tegan" Gjovaag

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Sketchbook - Andy Owens

Here's one of my new favorites, drawn at the Emerald City Comicon. I like the sense of motion in this image. His hair could be windswept or flowing in the water. No fish, but a simple, strong drawing.

by Andy Owens
6 February 2005
(permission to post given 6 February 2005 in person)

As a reminder: Almost every sketch in my sketchbook was non-commissioned and done on the floor of a con. These are not the best works of the artists. These are only representative of what the artist can do under pressure in a loud, crowded, and often stressed-out environment. Most of them were done as quickly as possible, to prevent huge lines from forming. Don't judge any of these artists negatively by the artwork you see, instead be as impressed as I am by what they accomplished in far-from-ideal conditions.

To see all the sketches I have permission to post so far, check out my Sketchbook Page. If you have any contact information for any of the other artists I'm trying to contact, please e-mail me. Click for a random Aquaman sketch.

The Saturday Sketch ™ is brought to you by the letters "A", "O" and the number "87", and also courtesy the fine artists who pour their lives into producing wonderful comic books, then come to conventions only to get asked by geeky fangirls for a sketch of Aquaman. Support an artist, buy a comic book.

by Tegan at 10:19 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Flower Identification and 3-Day Beg

First off... went on another training walk and spotted a flower/weed that I can't identify. Since barely anyone actually reads Gjoblaag, I thought I'd also post it over here in case somebody knows what it is. This stuff lines the Sammamish River Trail, but I don't recall seeing it elsewhere.

Know what it is? Please post a comment.

And, hey, as long as I've got you reading... could you possibly Donate To The 3-Day if you have some money to spare? I figure if everyone who reads this blog donates $5, I'll have maybe another $25 or so...

...Seriously, though, I need to raise a good chunk of money before July, and it is going to good causes (read about them here and here). If you can't donate, or already have, maybe you could link to this entry or another one in which I talk about the 3-Day (big list of entries here) so folks who don't care for Aquaman know that I'm doing something more than just comics blogging over here.

I know there is a grassroots power of blogs that is still untapped, and this is one heckuva good cause to focus that power on. Won't you please spread the word and see if I can reach my goal?

Please Donate


by Tegan at 5:09 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Happy Birthday Sandra!

A very happy day goes out to my sis-in-law Sandra who's pretty much WAY across the nation from us. Hope your day is great in every way!

by Tegan at 8:07 AM Seattle time - Permalink  

Friday, March 04, 2005

Haloscan Updates

I'm sure some of you have noticed that Haloscan has updated again. You can now set whether or no Gravatars show on your comments and what size they will be. In addition, the default for e-mail is now to NOT show it, like I already tweaked my template to do. You need to have an e-mail for Gravatars, but a lot of people don't want their e-mails out there to be harvested, so the default is to not show it.

Lots more coming for Haloscan, and I'm going to just mention that paying for an upgrade is a good deal. Not only does it help support the system, but it lets you play around with templates and Beta features. And it's only $12 a year.

I've been watching Blogger's lame efforts at improving their commenting system, and I just have to say that Haloscan is still the way to go if you use Blogspot.

by Tegan at 12:39 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Some Thoughts

Wil Wheaton's appearance on CSI will air March 10th.

Create your own LEGO-like avatar with the Mini-Mizer. I didn't see any Aqualogo shirt, so I didn't save one for myself. Via Elayne.

Learn how to speak other languages on-line, from The BBC. Yes, free.

Metafilter directs us to Soviet era Animation. Some fun clips there.

Outpost Gallifrey continues to report on new Doctor Who. The latest good news for me is that the CBC will be airing Doctor Who, and we get the CBC. No news on an American broadcast yet, but between bittorrent and the CBC, I hope to see the new series very soon after it airs.

by Tegan at 11:17 AM Seattle time - Permalink  

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 2 March 2005 - Part I

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3: A decent little package. I like buying them this way. This book had four stories of the Republic slowly becoming more decadent and depraved. It also introduced a character who will play a big part in the next movie. Overall, not bad. 3 1/2 starfish

Rising Stars #24: "Phoenix in Ascension" 3 of 3: The final issue, and the finish of the book after all these years. I'm not sure it was truly worth the wait, but it's good to have the finale in hand finally. It was a good series overall, and I think it will read pretty good all together. 4 starfish

Shanna The She Devil #2: "The Killing Season Part Two": Cho sure draws pretty. The story needs a little work, but isn't horrible, at least. The characters haven't had any time to become established, so Cho is relying a little heavily on stereotypes to develop them, which is annoying. On the other hand, it does mean the story moves, so it's not all bad. I suspect we'll get the rest of the mini. 3 1/2 starfish

Captain America & The Falcon #13: "American Psycho" Part 1: I want to like this book, but I just don't get the Falcon at all. There's a good twist in this issue, and I'm not sure what to expect from the last issue. I guess it's good, I'm just not sure. Without the long paragraph of explanation at the beginning of the book, I'd be completely lost. 3 1/2 starfish

by Tegan at 4:03 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Training Update for the 3-Day

As most of you know, I'm walking the Seattle 3-Day this summer to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer Research. I'll be walking 60 miles over the course of three days. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund.

Please Donate

If you can donate, please give a little at my 3-Day page. I still need to raise another $1900 by July... I've only got $200 raised so far. My thanks go out to Laura White and Brooks Sports who donated shoes and equipment to me for the Walk.

If you want to follow my adventures in training, I'm trying to keep all the posts linked together at my 3-Day Training Archive. I'll admit it's a little picture heavy, so be warned that it might load slowly.

And lastly, does anyone know what kind of bird this is? I saw it on yesterday's training walk, and maybe it was the context, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Sorry about the blurriness of the image, but I wasn't able to get a second shot.

by Tegan at 11:15 AM Seattle time - Permalink  

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 23 February 2005 - Part III

Legion of Super Heroes: Triplicate Girl? They've done a nice job of making her interesting although her power does seem a bit... strange. I'm a little confused by the plotline... more the way her date fits into the larger picture than any specifics. Still, it's a good book. 3 1/2 starfish

Outsiders #21: "Silent Partner": Ouch. This one ends well. And all's well that ends well. Ok, not entirely. I don't like Batman that much, and I'm really tired of the batfamily angst. But the ending is something else entirely. 3 1/2 starfish

Seven Soldiers #0: "Weird Adventures": Um. I wanted to really like this. Instead I'm just mildly irritated with it. Maybe the various minis will make this issue read better in retrospect. Lots of good ideas, but I'm not sure about the execution. 3 starfish

Solo #3: "Paul Pope": The only two stories I didn't like were the ones clearly set in the DCU. The first story was fantastic, "On This Corner" also really appealed to me. I didn't like the OMAC story at all, and the Batman/Joker tale was... ugly. 3 1/2 starfish

by Tegan at 1:59 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Happy Birthday Shannon!

And a very happy b-day wish goes out to my sis-in-law! May today be bright and cheery for you, despite the sudden return of Seattle rain.

by Tegan at 8:15 AM Seattle time - Permalink  

Monday, February 28, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 23 February 2005 - Part II

Battle Hymn #1: So any book that features an Aquaman/Namor homage in the first four pages is ok by me. This is a book set in the WWII era, and it evokes the period nicely. The art is great. The story is all setup, but it's promising setup. Despite my worries about getting this, I think I'm glad I did. 4 starfish

Powers v2 #9: The mystery deepens. I like the reaction of the suspect when he realizes who has the gem. All in all, another strong issue, and no, I didn't read the letter column. I didn't want to have to take another shower. 3 1/2 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #76/517: "Skin Deep Part 3": Nice moral to this one. I particularly like the JJJ Fairy. Not the best issue, but I am looking forward to the final issue. 3 1/2 starfish

Spider-Man: India #4: I really like reinterpretations of superhero tales, that's why I'm an Elseworlds fan. This one was a nicely different look, with some unexpected changes from the original origin. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this version of Spider-Man. 3 1/2 starfish

by Tegan at 9:36 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Movie Trailers and Pythons

British Hitchhiker's Guide Trailer. It's considerably different from the American edition.

As if THAT wasn't enough, Tom's also got a link to the Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit Trailer. And this is a full trailer, not a teaser.

Python in a Toilet.

by Tegan at 4:26 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Random Thoughts

Two students intend to violate America's dumbest laws all summer long.

I'm afraid that I really like this Voodoo Knife Rack, although I have my doubts that I'd ever get one for myself.

Halle Berry shows class by showing up for her Razzie award.

by Tegan at 9:12 PM Seattle time - Permalink  

Sunday Audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

No transcript will be available for this audioblog, as it's how to pronounce my name.

by Tegan at 5:10 PM Seattle time - Permalink  
