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By Date
Alphabetical Listing of Reviewed Works
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5 Starfish = Perfect in every way that matters. Exactly what I want.
4 1/2 Starfish = Nearly perfect. Deeply satisfying or pleasant. Highly Recommended.
4 Starfish = Excellent. Well worth time and money. Recommended.
3 1/2 Starfish = Very good. Solid. Worth a look, recommended to most people.
3 Starfish = Good. Recommended to fans of its genre.
2 1/2 Starfish = Not bad at all, but not something I would recommend to just anyone.
2 Starfish = About average. Nothing special, but not horrid.
1 1/2 Starfish = A little worse than average. Errors or irritations make it something I wouldn't recommend.
1 Starfish = Not good. Not recommended.
1/2 Starfish = Really bad. Painfully bad. Run Away.
No Starfish = No Rating. I could not judge the work for some reason.
Old Ratings (pre-April 2005)
5 Starfish = Perfect in every way that matters. Exactly what I want.
4 1/2 Starfish = Nearly perfect. Deeply satisfying or pleasant. Highly Recommended.
4 Starfish = Really good. Satisfying. Worth what I paid in money or time. Recommended.
3 1/2 Starfish = Good. Better than average, but could've used something more. Mildly Recommended.
3 Starfish = About average. Nothing special, but not a big disappointment either. Neutral.
2 1/2 Starfish = Not as good as I was expecting. A mild disappointment. Don't seek it out.
2 Starfish = A disappointment. Definitely worse than advertised, despite some ok bits. Avoid.
1 1/2 Starfish = Not good. There are aspects I almost liked, but overall it was blah. Avoid strongly.
1 Starfish = Pretty darn bad. Not worth time or money. Don't waste your time.
1/2 Starfish = Really bad. Painfully bad. Run Away.
No Starfish = No Rating. I could not judge the work for some reason, either because I didn't finish it or I felt that I was the wrong audience.